The Netherlands is the website of The Netherlands Museum Association in Dutch and English. Recent publications in English are:

More than worth it. The social significance of museums

Agenda 2026. Study on the future of Dutch museums

Children visiting museums: investing in the audience of the future

Tried-and-tested partnerships. Report by the Asscher-Vonk II steering committee
Examples of museological cooperation and initiatives aimed at improving quality reaching an audience, cost-cutting and efficiency

Different aspects of museum policy are also included in The Netherlands chapter of Compendium on Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe:

Here you can also find the Short profile of The Netherlands, which summarises the cultural policy system of the country, its background, the main objectives and the way it organises international cooperation.

Is the website of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in Dutch and English.

Extensive information on cultural policy, including policy documents is available online at the Heritage Monitor, with facts and figures about the Dutch heritage:

made by the Cultural Heritage Agency of The Netherlands

Heritage Act 2016 in The Netherlands

Is the website of The Netherlands Institute of Social Research (SCP) in Dutch and English. The SCP conducts an ongoing survey on cultural participation in The Netherlands. Museums visits are included in the survey. Practically all publications of the SCP are available online

Cultuur in Beeld 2017 (Culture at a Glance - only in Dutch) and Cultuur in Cijfers 2013-2016 (Culture in Figures – only in Dutch) give some basic statistics about each of the museums subsidised by the Dutch central government (visits, subsidies and other types of income)

Digital Museale Collectie Nederland (DiMCoN) / Digital Museum Collection of the Netherlands

Is the platform for Dutch museums on the Internet. Currently 582 websites of the Dutch museums are included in Dutch and most of those also in English.