
Members of EGMUS are representatives of EU member states and the wider range of European countries.

To contact EGMUS members, please choose the respective country from the list. If the country you are looking for is not on the list but you can recommend a contact in that country, please get in touch with us.


Czech Republic

Mr NOVAK Jaroslav
NIPOS-The National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture
CZ-Praha, 2
Fügnerovo námesti 5, P. O. Box 12
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 221507920
Email: j.novak(at)

NIPOS-The National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture
CZ-Praha, 2
Blanicka 4
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 22 150 79 20
Mobile: +420 73 23 43 378
Fax: +420 22 150 79 29
Email: radova(at)


National Report Czech Republic

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