Related Activities

International institutions and networks

The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) is an European association that encourages joint activities of museums and institutions within Europe. It also represents the museums' needs for regulations towards the European Union.
NEMO European Museum Conference 2019: Museums 2030 - Sharing recipes for a better future | 7-10 November 2019 | Tartu, Estonia
REGISTRATION | NEMO European Museum Conference

The ISO TC-46-SC8 Working Group 11: developed an international standard for museum statistics (for usage national and international). The ISO 18461:2016(en) has been published in March 2016., last visited: 18.10.2016.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) publishes statistics of economic indicators from 34 member countries. Its library includes tables with data against which cultural or museum statistics can be compared, e.g. population or government expenditures. All tables are broken down per country and year, can be downloaded and cited.
, last visited: 18.10.2016.

The Institute for Statistics of the UNESCO (UIS) published in 1968 and revised in 2009 a methodology for measuring cultural participation and the economic contribution of cultural industries. In the Instiute's Data platfom indicators are collected from over 200 countries of demographics and economy and data about some cultural industries such as libraries and cinema.
Here you can download The Framework for Cultural Statistics (FCS) (PDF 1,6 MB).

EUROSTAT provides statistical data to the European Union from all member states and will provide also statistics on the cultural sector after 2014., last visited: 18.10.2016.

EUROSTAT provides statistical data of Internet use for cultural purposes, last visited: 15.03.2017.

The Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission (EC) implements the European Agenda for Culture through the Culture Programme (until the end of 2013). The European Commission is a major funding body in the European Union that supports international cooperation in the cultural sector., last visited: 18.10.2016.

Eurobarometer surveys monitor the current public opinion towards the European Union; here you can consult the last survey on culture., last visited: 18.10.2016.

Special Eurobarometer 399: Cultural Access and Participation Report (PDF)

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) was set up in 1946 under auspices of UNESCO. It identifies and defines concepts in museology and advocates for professional standards. The EGMUS working group recognises the ICOM museum definition and also respects deviating national criteria., last visited: 08.05.2019.
Here you can find the ICOM code of ethics.

Within ICOM the museum definition is currently under discussion and a draft for a new definition had been published in 2019:

This draft has been discussed in the EGMUS annual meeting in autumn 2019 and the participants agreed on a comment from EGMUS which has been sent tot he president and the director general of ICOM. You can find the EGMUS statement here.

The European Heritage Network (HEREIN) joins 44 European government departments involved in policy making regarding cultural heritage. The network receives support of the Council of Europe. A database and a multilingual thesaurus on cultural heritage policy can be researched online., last visited: 18.10.2016.

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International Cultural Policies

i2010: Digital libraries is the first part of the European Commission strategy "Digital Agenda for Europe". It promotes the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to make cultural and scientific resources available, by means of digitisation and the creation of thematic portals such as Europeana.
, last visited: 18.10.2016.

The second part of the above mentioned strategy has already set goals for 2020. Horizon 2020 will focus in creating a favourable an stable environment for research, innovation and market in Europe.
, last visited: 18.10.2016.

Supported by the Council of Europe, the European Institute for Comparative Cultural Research offers a collection of European cultural policies and current statistical data about cultural industries., last visited: 18.10.2016.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) offers global population and economic indicators with focus on developing countries. Data can be consulted and downloaded here., last visited: 18.10.2016.

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International Portals

Some links to portals at international level.

Museum Analytics collects data from popular museums world wide and compares their physical and online audiences.
, last visited: 18.10.2016.

The EC funded projects MINERVA EC and MINERVA PLUS were set to harmonise activities carried out in digitisation of cultural content; a list of European regulations and best practices is available for museums on interoperability, intelectual property rights and accessibility on the web., last visited: 18.10.2016.

Europeana is a portal that acts as an interface to millions of digitised books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout Europe.
, last visited: 18.10.2016.

The Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe (MICHAEL) offers information on digitised cultural heritage collections, each of the participating countries has a national instance. The Michael Association supervises the interoperability of the cataloging among countries (and languages)., last visited: 18.10.2016. - the exhibition portal for Europe is a public access database of permanent and temporary exhibitions of major museums in Europe. Information is provided in several languages., last visited: 18.10.2016. is a public access portal promoting cultural activities and places of interest in the Greater Region (areas of Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Germany).
, last visited: 18.10.2016.

Culturemondo is since 2005 an international hub of professionals working in the field of online cultural services., last visited: 18.10.2016.

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