Country Year Definition
    Working group definition National criteria
    1a 1b
Croatia 2014   X 61) 
2009   X 39) 
2007   X 18) 
2006   X 18) 
2005   X 10) 
2003   X 2) 
Country Year Number of museums according to type of collection
    total of which
    2a 2b 2c 2d
      Art, archaeology and history museums Science and technology museums, ethnology museums Other museums
Croatia 2014 284 62)  114 63)  61 109 63) 
2009 221 40)  65 41)  28 128 41) 
2007 222 19)  64 20)  25 21)  133 22) 
2006 200 19)  56 20)  23 21)  121 22) 
2005 189 8)  58 10)  19 10)  112 10) 
2003 206 3)  67 25 104
Country Year Ownership
    state-owned museums local-, regional-owned museums other public-owned museums private-owned museums
    3a 3b 3c 3d 3e
    Total Total Total Total Of which
Croatia 2014 33 64)  167 65)  83 65)  1 65)   
2009 33 42)  159 43)  28 43)  1 43)   
2007 33 23)  155 33 1  
2006 33 23)  145 21 1  
2005 31 134 23 1  
Country Year Management
    state-managed museums local-, regional-managed museums other public-managed museums private-managed museums
    4a 4b 4c 4d 4e
    Total Total Total Total Of which
Croatia 2014 33 66)  167 67)  83 67)  1 68)   
2009 33 44)  159 45)  28 45)  1 45)   
2007 33 24)  155 33 1  
2006 33 24)  145 21 1  
2005 31 134 23 1  
Country Year Ownership of permanent collection
    Public ≤ 50% Public > 50%
    5a 5b
Croatia 2014 1 283
2009 1 220
2007 1 221
2006 1 199
Country Year Number of visits
    Total Of which
    6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g
      free admissions
free admissions
temporary exhibitions
temporary exhibitions
Croatia 2014 4.771.230 69)  1.087.271 69)  23,00     729.911 69)  15,00
2009 2.427.703            
2007 2.563.700            
2006 2.505.700            
2005 2.256.250            
2003 1.901.000            
Country Year Staff
    Paid staff Volunteers
    7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 7g 7h
Of which
FTES a year
FTES a year
Of which
Of which
FTES a year
FTES a year
Of which
Croatia 2014 1.673 1.073 1.673 1.073,00        
2009 1.589 1.018 1.589 46)  1.018,00 46)  13 47)       
2007 1.383 25)  961   961,00 90 30)       
2006 1.383 25)  907 907 88,00   26)       
2005 1.350 11)  878            
2003 1.400 4)  811 1.400 4)  811,00        
Country Year Admissions
    Total number of museums with paid admissions with a price of tickets (in EUR) Number of museums
    8a 8b 8c 8d 8e
    < 2,5,- 2,5 - 5,- > 5,- with free entrance with museum card
Croatia 2014 110 55 5 65 9
2009 81 48)  34 48)  9 48)  36 49)   
2007 55 32)  28 32)  2 32)  80 33)   
2005       165 12)   
2003 190 16      
Country Year Temporary exhibitions
    Total Of which
    9a 9b 9c
      Own production Joined productions
Croatia 2014 1.191    
2009 1.062 50)     
2007 1.089 34)     
2005 1.060 13)     
2003 873 5)     
Country Year Expenditure (of museums)
    Total (In EUR) Of which
    10a 10b 10c 10d 10e
      Ordinary expenditures
Ordinary expenditures
Of which
Extraordinary expenditures
Extraordinary expenditures
Of which
for new Collections
Croatia 2014          
2009   51)         
2005   14)         
Country Year Income (of museums)
    Total (in EUR) Of which
    11a 11b 11c
      Entry fees Public subsidies
Croatia 2014      
2009   51)     
Country Year Public expenditure (for museums)
    Total (in EUR) Of which
    12a 12b
Croatia 2014    
2009   51)   
Country Year Number of museums making use of computers
    Total number of museums equipped with at least one computer Of which
    13a 13b 13c 13d 13e
      for administrative purpose for visitor's information purposes (e.g. interactive gallery system) having a database for electronic inventory having an Internet access
Croatia 2014       181 247 70) 
2009 197 52)    20 170 189
2007 176 35)  176 35)  20 136 179
2006 158 20 20 114 162
2003 200 6)    10 74 110
Country Year Information - Diffusion - Education
    Number of museums possessing a web-site Number of museums possessing an own web-site Number of museums Number of museums with at least one special museum education programme
    14 15a 15b 16a 16b 16c 17a 17b 17c 17d 17e
    Total Total Of wich
are updating themselves their web-site
connected to a museum portal
connected to a museum portal
Of which
connected to more than one museum portal
connected to (an)other portal(s) Total Of which
for school children
Of which
for ethnic minorities
for senior citizens for others
Croatia 2014 227 121 121 284   101 94 71)  49 71)    2 71)   
2009 160 70 70 221   46 53)  125 54)         
2007 131 45 45 222 173 100 27)  134 34)  130 30)       
2006 111     200 173 100 27)  130 30)  125 30)       
2005 105 69   189     120        
2003 85 24 85 41     90        
Country Year
Museums per 100.000 inhabitants
on working group definition
Croatia 2014  
2009 5,00 55) 
2007 5,00
2006 4,50
2005 4,30
Country Year
Museums per 100.000 inhabitants
on natioinal criteria
Croatia 2014 6,60 72) 
2009 5,00 55) 
2007 5,00
2006 4,50
2005 4,30
Country Year
Visits per 100.000 inhabitants
including free entries
Croatia 2014 111.350,00 72) 
2009 54.801,00 55) 
2007 57.740,00
2006 56.434,00
2005 50.816,00
Country Year
Visits per 100.000 inhabitants
excluding free entries
Croatia 2014 85.976,00 73) 
Country Year
Average number of visits per museum
according to working group definition
Croatia 2014  
2009 11.136,00 56) 
2007 11.548,00 36) 
2006 12.528,00 28) 
2005 17.906,00 15) 
2003 9,23 6) 
Country Year
Average number of visits per museum
according to national criteria
Croatia 2014 16.800,00
2009 11.136,00 56) 
2007 11.548,00 36) 
2006 12.528,00 28) 
2005 17.906,00 16) 
2003 9,23 6) 
Country Year
Staff per 100.000 inhabitants
Croatia 2014 25,00 74) 
2009 23,00 57) 
2007 31,14 37) 
2006 31,14 29) 
2005 19,77 17) 
Country Year
Expenditure per capita (in EUR)
Croatia 2014  
Country Year
Public Expenditure per 100.000 inhabitants (in EUR)
Croatia 2014  
Country Year
Number of museums opened 200 days and more a year
Croatia 2014  
2009 200 30) 
2007 180
2006 170 30) 
2005 138
2003 200
Country Year
Number of museums with more than 5.000 visits a year
including free entries
Croatia 2014 77 75) 
2009 69 58) 
2007 70
2006 65
2005 64
2003 57
Country Year Number of museums necessary to reach
    50 % of total visits (including free entries) 75 % of total visits (including free entries)
    29a 29b
Croatia 2014    
Country Year
Number of museums employing at least 1 specialised staff
Croatia 2014 184
2009 197
2007 176
2006 158
2005 150
2003 171
Country Year
Average price paid
(in EUR)
Croatia 2014 2,75
2009 2,30
2007 2,24
2006 1,70 30) 
2003 15,00
Country Year
Number of museums with at least one publication
Croatia 2014 114 76) 
2009 122 59) 
2007 99 38) 
2006 96 31) 
2003 98
Country Year
Number of museums with at least one publication on an electronic data carrier
Croatia 2014 5 76) 
2009 13 59) 
2007 12 38) 
2006 13 31) 
2003 8
Country Year
Museum participation
Source: Eurobarometer 1)
Croatia 2014  
Country Year
Source: Eurostat
Croatia 2014 4.246.809
2009 4.435.056
2007 4.441.238
2006 4.442.884
2005 4.443.901
2003 4.442.744
Country Year
Density inhabitants/km²
Source: Eurostat
Croatia 2014  
2009 78,50
2007 78,40
2006 78,50
2005 78,50
2003 78,50 7) 
Country Year
Purchasing Power Parity in EUR
Source: Eurostat
Croatia 2014 59,000
2009 62,000 60) 
2007 61,000
2006 58,000
2005 57,000
2003 55,000
1) Eurostat surveys 2001 and 2003, if not otherwise indicated
2) Croatian Museum Act defines museum activities rather than museum itself, cf page
3) Data are based mostly on the Register of Museums, Galleries and collections in RH. And include sites (main museums, collections, galleries possessing holdings, archæological sites…). The main criteria is: existence of museum holdings.
4) Estimation based on Statistical report for 2000 by the State Institute for Statistics
5) Data from Annual Reports for 2001
6) Estimation based on Annual Reports 2003
7) Estimation based on Statistical Report for 2001 by The State Institute for Statistics
8) Data are based mostly on the Register of Museums, Galleries and collections in RH and include sites (main museums, collections, galleries possessing holdings, archaeological sites, ...). The main criteria is: existence of museum holdings
9) Not applicable: science and technology museums are split from ethnology museums; 2c – most of the "other" museums are complex/local history museums which can be included in 2b category where we have put only specialized art, archaeology and history museums
10) Croatian Museum Act defines museum activities rather than museum itself
11) Estimation based on Statistical report for 2000 by State Institute of Statistics
12) Data from Annual Reports for 2001. All the museums open to public have free entrance for some categories of visitors (no museum-card is needed)
13) Estimation based on data from Museum Annual Reports for 2004 All the museums open to public have free entrance for some categories of visitors (no museum-card is needed)
14) Museums are funded by the Ministry of culture and local authorities and they are obliged to give financial reports to them. There is no institution that collects data on total income and expenditure(s) of all museums in Croatia.
15) Estimation based on Museum Annual Reports 2003
16) Estimation based on Museum Annual Reports 2005
17) Source: Central Bureau of Statistics – population – (estimation for 2004: 3.439.000 inhabitants); the figure refers to specialized staff only
18) Croatia: Croatian Museum Act defines museum activities rather than museum itself; Museum Documentation Centre set up some criteria, among which the main is the existence of museum collection. If the source of data is not particularily indicated, the source of data is the Register of Museums, galleries and collections in RH managed by the Museum Documentation Centre.
19) Croatia: The main criteria is: existence of museum holdings, i.e. collection. It includes sites (main museums, collections, galleries possessing holdings, archaeological sites...)
20) Croatia: category not applicable; most of the "other" museums are complex/local or regional history museums which can be included in this category where are enlisted only specialized art, archaeology and history museums. The complex museums are very important and numerous in the national museum structure.
21) Croatia: science and technology museums are split from ethnology museums
22) Croatia: category not applicable; most these museums are complex/local or regional history museums which can be included in this category where are enlisted only specialized art, archaeology and history museums. The complex museums are very important and numerous in the national museum structure.
23) Croatia: in the category "Ownership" are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field.
24) Croatia: in the category "Management" are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field.
25) Croatia: Source: Statistical Information published by the Central Bureau of Statistics, 2006
26) Croatia: Source: First Releases - Education, Research And Development, Culture And Social Welfare, 2007 (research 2006)
27) Croatia: estimation (some museums are connected to local authorities portals, some on tourist boards portals, some on zhe Ministry of Culture portal etc.)
28) Croatia: Source: MDC - Museum annual reports 2006
29) Croatia: the figure regarding total number of specialised staff would be 21,64
30) Croatia: estimation
31) Croatia: source: MDC - 25th exhibition of publication activity by Croatian museums and galleries - catalogue, 2006.
32) Croatia: available data for 85 (of 222 museums) - price for adults.
33) Croatia: estimation; all the museums have free entrance for some categories of visitors
34) Croatia: Source: MDC - Museum annual reports 2007 (include data by 145 museums)
35) Croatia: the figure is equivalent of the number of museums with at least 1 employee
36) Croatia: Source: MDC - Museum annual reports 2007 (include data regarding visits for 140 sites - the real average is 18.312)
37) Croatia: the figure regarding total number of specialized staff is 21,64.
38) Croatia: source: MDC - 26th exhibition of publication activity by Croatian museums and galleries - catalogue, 2007.
39) Croatia: Croatian Museum Act defines museum activities rather than museum itself; Museum Documentation Centre set up some criteria, among which the main is the existence of museum collection. If the source of data is not particularily indicated, the source of data is the Register of Museums, galleries and collections in RH managed by the Museum Documentation Centre.
40) Croatia: The main criteria is: existence of museum holdings, i.e. collection. It includes sites (main museums, collections, galleries possessing holdings, archæological sites…).
41) Categories 2b, 2c and 2d, especially 2c in Croatia are not applicable: science and technology museums are split from ethnology museums; 2c – most of the "other" museums are complex /local or regional history museums which can be included in 2b category where we have enlisted only specialized art, archaeology and history museums. The complex museums are very important and numerous in the national museum structure.
42) Croatia: in the category Ownership are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field. There are 22 institutions owned by the state with 33 sites.
43) Croatia: in the category Ownership are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field
44) Croatia: in the category Management are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field. There are 22 institutions owned by the state with 33 sites.
45) Croatia: in the category Management are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field
46) Croatia: the data refer to FTES
47) Croatia: the number refers to number of museums – no. of volunteers is estimation
48) Croatia: available data for 124 museums; the price refers to the price paid by an adult person (prices for children and students are usually 50% of regular price)
49) Croatia: the number refers to the museums that have free entrance for all visitors; all the museums have free entrance for some categories of visitors
50) Croatia: Source: MDC - Museum annual reports 2009 (include data by 133 museums i.e. sites)
51) Croatia: Museums are funded by the Ministry of Culture (which data are available) and local authorities; they are obliged to give financial reports to them. There is no institution that collects data on total income and expenditure of all museums in Croatia.
52) Croatia: the figure is equivalent of the number of museums with at least 1 professional (<20)
53) Croatia: 17 museums are connected to a regional museum association portal, 4 on tourist boards portals, 4 on Croatian Accademy of Arts and Sciences portal, 13 on local authorities portal, 8 on other portals
54) Croatia: estimation based on MDC - Museum annual reports 2009 (include data by 124 museums i.e. 133 sites)
55) Croatia: source: Central Bureau of Statistics - population est. for 2009: 4.430,000
56) Source: MDC - Museum annual reports 2009 (include data regarding visits for 116 sites – the real average is 20.298)
57) Croatia: source: Central Bureau of Statistics - population est. for 2009: 4.430,000; the figure referes to specialised staff only; the figure regarding total number of staff would be 35,9
58) Source: MDC - Museum annual reports 2009 (include data for 133 sites)
59) Croatia: source: MDC – 28th exhibition of publication activitiy by Croatian museums and galleries – catalogue, 2009
60) data from 2008
61) Croatian Museum Act defines museum activities rather than museum itself; Museum Documentation Centre set up some criteria, among which the main is the existence of museum collection. If the source of data is not particularily indicated, the source of data is the Register of Museums, galleries and collections in RH managed by the Museum Documentation Centre.
62) The main criteria is: existence of museum holdings, i.e. collection. It includes sites (main museums, collections, galleries possessing holdings, archæological sites…).
63) Categories 2b, 2c and 2d, especially 2c in Croatia are not applicable: science and technology museums are split from ethnology museums; 2c – most of the "other" museums are complex /local or regional history museums which can be included in 2b category where we have enlisted only specialized art, archaeology and history museums. The complex museums are very important and numerous in the national museum structure.
64) in the category Ownership are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field. There are 22 institutions owned by the state with 33 sites.
65) in the category Ownership are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field
66) in the category Management are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field. There are 22 institutions owned by the state with 33 sites
67) in the category Management are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field
68) Management are included museums which founder is one of the mentioned entities in the a, b, c, d field
69) Source: MDC, table - number of visits to croatian museums and galleries, 2014.
70) museums which have access to the internet (e-mail)
71) estimation based on MDC - Museum annual reports 2014 (include data by 131 museum for 167 sites)
72) source: Central Bureau of Statistics - population est. for 2011: 4.284,889
73) source: Central Bureau of Statistics - population est. for 2011: 4.284,88
74) the figure refers to specialised staff only; the figure regarding total number of staff would be 39
75) Source: MDC - Museum annual reports 2014 (include data by 131 museum for 167 sites)
76) source: MDC - 33rd exhibition of publication activity by Croatian museums and galleries - catalogue, 2014.