Country     Portugal
Year     2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Definition Working group definition 1a   X 87)  X X X X X   X 71)    X 55)  X X X X X X X X
National criteria 1b   X 88)            X 79)    70)  X 68)    57)    53)    39)    31)    28)    27)    26)    6)    2) 
Number of museums according to type of collection total 2a   680 684 669 674 675 635 630 3)  616 71)  607 3)  572 3)  557 3)  575 40)  583 3)  563 3)  558 3)  574 3)  561 7)  484 3) 
of which 2b Art, archaeology and history museums 269 271 262 261 263 275 252 244 241 226 222 210 215 205 200 207 195 163
  2c Science and technology museums, ethnology museums 170 176 171 174 185 159 162 158 154 139 137 148 155 153 141 151 152 132
  2d Other museums 241 237 236 239 227 201 216 214 212 207 198 217 41)  213 205 217 216 214 8)  189
Ownership state-owned museums 3a Total 517 506 484 485 489 423 410 417 395 360 58)  351 357 361 32)  349 346 356 348 9)  300
local-, regional-owned museums 3b Total                                    
other public-owned museums 3c Total                                   -  
private-owned museums 3d Total 163 178 185 189 186 212 220 199 212 212 59)  206 218 222 214 212 218 213 10)  184
  3e Of which
Management state-managed museums 4a Total                     60)                 
local-, regional-managed museums 4b Total                                    
other public-managed museums 4c Total                                    
private-managed museums 4d Total                                    
  4e Of which
Ownership of permanent collection Public ≤ 50% 5a                                      
Public > 50% 5b                                      
Number of visits Total 6a   17.174.986 89)  15.532.379 13.660.668 11.749.732 11.062.584 10.066.934 10.177.397 80)  10.362.944 61)  9.544.463 4)  8.382.260 61)  6.876.218 4)  7.756.630 42)  7.107.638 33)  6.559.379 4)  6.684.147 4)  6.475.261 4)  6.158.405 11)  5.760.062 4) 
Of which 6b free admissions
5.221.508 89)  5.275.691 5.122.275 4.628.748 3.969.793 3.933.407 4.043.315 80)  4.072.284 61)  3.996.488 4)  3.310.803 4)  2.489.875 4)               
  6c free admissions
30,40 34,00 37,50 39,40 35,90 39,10 39,70 39,30 41,90 39,50 36,20              
  6d foreigners
7.731.700 89)  6.696.930 5.247.009 4.289.128 3.863.635 3.211.124 3.351.144 80)  2.808.629 61)  2.577.470 4)  2.176.325 4)  1.479.909 4)               
  6e foreigners
45,00 43,10 38,40 36,50 34,90 31,90 32,93 27,10 27,00 26,00 21,50              
  6f temporary exhibitions
10.271.027 8.923.914 7.581.168 6.053.137 5.685.375 5.066.178                        
  6g temporary exhibitions
59,80 57,50 55,50 51,50 51,40 50,30                        
Staff Paid staff 7a Number
4.197 90)  3.962 3.891 3.835 3.721 3.768 3.834 72)  3.810 72)  3.736 5)  3.385 62)  2.946 5)  3.277 43)  3.255 34)  3.131 29)  2.977 5)  2.871 5)  2.648 12)  2.458 5) 
  7b Number
Of which
2.508 90)  2.420 2.279 2.293 2.233 2.161 2.039 72)  2.196 72)  2.156 5)  2.001 62)  1.662 5)  1.814 44)  1.734 34)  1.565 30)  1.443 5)  1.307 5)  1.174 5)  1.081 5) 
  7c FTES a year
  7d FTES a year
Of which
Volunteers 7e Number
479 535 507 341 316 236                        
  7f Number
Of which
356 442 397 219 246 134                        
  7g FTES a year
  7h FTES a year
Of which
Admissions Total number of museums with paid admissions with a price of tickets (in EUR) 8a < 2,5,-                                    
  8b 2,5 - 5,-   91)                                   
  8c > 5,-                                    
Number of museums 8d with free entrance 419     373 347 327 364 81)  304 73)  318 69)  268 54)  240 54)               
  8e with museum card   395 375                              
Temporary exhibitions Total 9a   333 63)      312 277 252 274 63)  259 74)  261 245 63)  211 200 45)  199 35)  182 188 171 159 13)  142
Of which 9b Own production                                    
  9c Joined productions   332 308                              
Expenditure (of museums) Total (In EUR) 10a                                      
Of which 10b Ordinary expenditures
  10c Ordinary expenditures
Of which
  10d Extraordinary expenditures
  10e Extraordinary expenditures
Of which
for new Collections
Income (of museums) Total (in EUR) 11a                                      
Of which 11b Entry fees                                    
  11c Public subsidies                                    
Public expenditure (for museums) Total (in EUR) 12a                                      
Of which 12b Investments                                    
Number of museums making use of computers Total number of museums equipped with at least one computer 13a     82)    356     317   85)  307 75)      64)  248 247 46)  246 38)  221 215 203 198 15)  166
Of which 13b for administrative purpose   82)    223     199                        
  13c for visitor's information purposes (e.g. interactive gallery system)                                    
  13d having a database for electronic inventory     87     70                        
  13e having an Internet access     322   85)    86)  286   85)  289 75)      64)  228 218 46)  210 38)  186 171 158 149 126
Information - Diffusion - Education Number of museums possessing a web-site 14 Total     320     286                        
Number of museums possessing an own web-site 15a Total     176     165                        
  15b Of wich
are updating themselves their web-site
Number of museums 16a connected to a museum portal
    98     88                        
  16b connected to a museum portal
Of which
connected to more than one museum portal
    55     51                        
  16c connected to (an)other portal(s)                                    
Number of museums with at least one special museum education programme 17a Total     338                              
  17b Of which
for school children
374 65)  350   329 312 293 319 83)  298 76)  285 240 65)  223 222 225 36)  205 199 188 178 16)  151
  17c Of which
for ethnic minorities
  17d for senior citizens 345 92)  314 310 291 275 264 255 83)  239 76)  215 170 65)  158              
  17e for others 214 65)  201 197 186 169 161 182 83)  161 76)  148 123 65)  116     36)          16)   
Museums per 100.000 inhabitants
on working group definition
18   6,60 6,60 6,50 6,50 6,50 6,00 6,00 5,80 5,70 5,40 5,30 5,40 5,50 37)  5,40 5,30 5,50 5,40 17)  4,70
Museums per 100.000 inhabitants
on natioinal criteria
  19   4,20 3,90 3,70 3,80 3,40 3,30 3,80 3,20 3,20 3,00 2,60 2,60 2,50 37)  2,40 2,40 2,30 2,20 18)  1,90
Visits per 100.000 inhabitants
including free entries
  20   166.743,00 93)  150.428,00 131.884,00 112.967,00 105.788,00 95.740,00 96.404,00 97.420,00 77)  89.767,00 78.911,00 66)  64.819,00 73.284,00 47)  67.375,00 37)  62.459,00 64.018,00 62.452,00 59.795,00 19)  56.303,00
Visits per 100.000 inhabitants
excluding free entries
  21   116.050,00 93)  99.334,00 82.432,00 68.464,00 67.826,00 58.332,00 58.104,00 59.137,00 77)  52.179,00 47.743,00 41.348,00              
Average number of visits per museum
according to working group definition
  22                       66)                 
Average number of visits per museum
according to national criteria
  23   39.942,00 93)  38.352,00 35.208,00 29.974,00 31.339,00 29.180,00 25.636,00 30.479,00 77)  27.826,00 26.113,00 66)  25.004,00 28.104,00 26.422,00 37)  26.556,00 26.952,00 27.554,00 27.250,00 20)  29.091,00
Staff per 100.000 inhabitants   24   44,60 93)  41,60 40,60 39,70 38,40 38,90 40,50 39,90 77)  41,30 36,80 66)  32,00 36,00 35,60 37)  33,50 32,80 31,20 29,10 21)  26,60
Expenditure per capita (in EUR)   25                                      
Public Expenditure per 100.000 inhabitants (in EUR)   26                                      
Number of museums opened 200 days and more a year   27   422 393 383 381 345 337 350 332 338 288 272 274 48)  264 38)  242 233 228 218 22)  194
Number of museums with more than 5.000 visits a year
including free entries
  28   276 265 254 252 220 223 213 217 211 187 173 164 52)  163 38)  150 158 143 136 25)  117
Number of museums necessary to reach 50 % of total visits (including free entries) 29a   16 17 16 18 17 17 22 17 19 16 15 14 49)  14 38)  14 14 12 11 10
75 % of total visits (including free entries) 29b   57 57 55 60 50 57 55 57 64 55 54 42 50)  46 38)  46 44 37 34 23)  28
Number of museums employing at least 1 specialised staff 30     94)  405 388 392 353 345 377 340 343 321 275 276 51)  269 38)  247 248 235 226 24)  198
Average price paid
(in EUR)
Number of museums with at least one publication   32       265   85)    85)  268   85)  234     230 234 52)  224 38)  198 200 190 185 25)  162
Number of museums with at least one publication on an electronic data carrier   33       93   85)    85)  94   85)  77     55              
Museum participation
Source: Eurobarometer 1)
Source: Eurostat
  35   10.300.300 10.325.452 10.358.076 10.374.822 10.427.301 10.487.289 10.542.398 10.572.721 10.617.575 10.622.413 10.608.335 10.584.344 10.549.424 10.501.970 10.501.970 10.368.404 10.229.218 10.230.555
Density inhabitants/km²
Source: Eurostat
  36   111,60 111,80 112,10 112,50 113,10 113,70 114,50 115,40 115,50 115,30 115,20 114,90 114,50 114,10 113,60 112,80 112,00 111,00
Purchasing Power Parity in EUR
Source: Eurostat
  37         78,000 77,000 77,000 78,000 81,000 81,000 78,000 79,000 79,000 79,000 76,000 76,000 78,000 78,000 79,000

Blank spaces either imply that there is no data available or that the data is negligible or is equal to zero

nil or negligible
provisional or estimated statistical information
1) Eurostat surveys 2001 and 2003, if not otherwise indicated
2) Portugal: 198 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
3) Portugal: Museums that had answered to the INE
4) Portugal: The number of visits is from the museums on national criteria
5) Portugal: The data on Paid Staff is from the museums on national criteria
6) Portugal: 226 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
7) Includes 16 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium
8) Includes 16 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquariums
9) On national criterion..
10) On national criterion.
11) On national criteria, included 2.397.637 visitors from 8 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquatic gardens.
12) Data concerning FTE for part-time employees are not available. Based on national criteria, data of columns 10a and 10b enclose 492 and 117 employees in 8 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium, mostly full-time. (Only 2 non-specialized part-time workers ). 2.855 full-time and 285 part-time employees (column 10a) and 1.238 full-time and 112 part-time employees (column 10b)
13) On national criteria: included 3 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium.
14) On national criteria, included 7 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium.
15) On national criteria, enclosed 3 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium
16) On national criteria. Number refers to museums having organized in 2001 specific activities with scholar public (185) and guided visits (220), enclosed 7 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium.
17) 0n national criteria. 5,4 including 16 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium (population survey 2001: 10.356.117 inhabitants).
18) 0n national criteria. 2,2 including 8 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium (population survey 2001: 10.356.117 inhabitants).
19) 0n national criteria. 59.466 including 8 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium and considering only paid staff (full- and part-time employees) (population survey 2001: 10.356.117 inhabitants)
20) 0n national criteria. 27.249 including 8 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium (population survey 2001: 10.356.117 inhabitants)
21) 0n national criteria. 25,6 including 8 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium (population survey 2001: 10.356.117 inhabitants)
22) On national criteria, enclosed 13 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium
23) On national criteria, enclosed 6 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium
24) On national criteria, enclosed 10 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium
25) On national criteria, enclosed 8 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium
26) Portugal: 235 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
27) Portugal: 248 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
28) Portugal: 247 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
29) Portugal: Data concerning FTE for part-time employees are not available. Based on national criteria, data of columns 7a and 7b includes 493 and 142 employees in 11 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium, mostly full-time.. (Only 2 non-specialized part-time workers and 1 dpecialized part-time worker) 3.292 full-time and 332 part-time employees (column 7a) and 1.609 full-time and 98 part-time employees (column 7b).
30) Data concerning FTE for part-time employees are not available. Based on national criteria, data of columns 7a and 7b includes 493 and 142 employees in 11 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium, mostly full-time.. (Only 2 non-specialized part-time workers and 1 dpecialized part-time worker) 3.292 full-time and 332 part-time employees (column 7a) and 1.609 full-time and 98 part-time employees (column 7b).
31) Portugal: 269 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
32) The ownership and the management of the museum are almost the same
33) On national criteria, 269 museums are considered
34) Portugal: Data concerning FFE for part-time employers are not available. Based on national criteria (285 museums), data of columns 7a and 7b include 644 and 181 mostly full-time employees in 16 zoological gardens and aquarium (only 4 specialized and 3 non specialized part-part-workers). 3.580 full-time and 319 part-time employees (column 7a) and 1.818 full-time and 97 part-time employees (column 7b).
35) On national criteria: it reports to the museums that have organized temporary exhibitions and not the number of them
36) On national criteria: numbers refers to museums having organized in 2005 these specific activities and not the number of them
37) On national criteria (269 museums), 3.255 paid employees and 10.569.592 inhabitants in 2005
38) On national criteria
39) Portugal: 276 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
40) include 21 zoological, botanic gardens and aquarium
41) Include 21 zoological, botanic gardens and aquarium
42) Portugal 2006: on national criteria, 291 museums are considered. Included 2.558.516 visitors from 15 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquatic gardens.
43) Portugal: includes 637 from 15 zoological or botanic gardens and aquarium.
44) Portugal: includes 187 from 15 zoological or botanic gardens and aquarium.
45) 291 museums are considered, included 7 zoological or botanic gardens and aquarium. It reports to the museums that have organized temporary exhibitions and not the number of them.
46) Included 15 zoological gardens, botanic gardens and aquarium
47) Population 2006: 10.584.344 inhabitants
48) Included 19 zoological or botanic gardens and aquarium
49) Included 3 zoological or botanic gardens and aquarium
50) Included 8 zoological or botanic gardens and aquarium
51) Included 18 zoological or botanic gardens and aquarium
52) Included 13 zoological or botanic gardens and aquarium
53) Portugal: 275 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
54) Portugal: some Museums (on national criteria) have only free entrance and other Museums have free and paid entrances.
55) Portugal: 605 questionnaires had been sent out. 597 questionnaires had been returned. 592 museums had an activity in 2008. Museums that had answered to the INE
56) Portugal: museums that had answered the INE. Data presented to museums on national criteria, fulfilled the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permantly or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least, one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory
57) Portugal: 321 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
58) Portugal: estimated information from total museums. In Portugal the ownership and the management of the museum are almost the same.
59) Portugal: estimated information from total museums
60) Portugal: In Portugal the ownership and the management of the museum are almost the same.
61) Portugal: The number of visits are from the museums on national criteria.
62) Portugal: The Paid Staff are from the museums on national criteria.
63) Portugal: It reports to the museums (on national criteria) that have organized temporary exhibitions and not the number of them.
64) Portugal: It reports to the museums on national criteria (data collected every 3 years).
65) Portugal: Number of museums on national criteria, with at least one special museum education programme.
66) Portugal: only considered the Visits on national criteria Museums.
67) Portugal: On national criteria, the third criteria is that museum employ at least 1 specialized staff (data collected every 3 years).
68) Portugal: 343 museums on national criteria, fulfilling the following 5 criteria: 1) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; 3) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician; 4) existence of budget and 5) existence of inventory.
69) Portugal: some Museums have only free entrance and other Museums have free and paid entrances.
70) Portugal: Data presented to museums on national criteria, fulfilled the following 5 criteria: a) existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; b) opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; c) museum employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician); d) existence of budget and e) existence of inventory.
71) Portugal: Museums that had answered to the INE.
72) Portugal: The paid staff are from the museums on national criteria.
73) Portugal: some museums (on national criteria) have only free entrance and others have free and payed entrances.
74) Portugal: it reports to the museums (on national criteria) that have organized temporary exhibitions and not the number of them.
75) Portugal: it reports to the museums on national criteria.
76) Portugal: Number of museums on national criteria, with at least one special museum education program.
77) Portugal: only considered the visits on national criteria museums.
78) Portugal: on national criteria, the third criteria is that museum employ at least 1 specialized staff (data collected every 3 years).
79) Portugal: Data presented to museums on national criteria, fulfilled the following 5 criteria: . 1. existence, at least, one exhibition room or space; 2. opening for visitors, permanently or seasonally; employing at least 1 specialized employee (existence of, at least one curator or advanced technician); 4. existence of budget and 5. existence of inventory
80) Portugal: The number of visits are from the museum on national criteria.
81) Portugal: some museums (on national criteria) have only free entrance and others have free and paid entrances.
82) Portugal: It reports to the museums on national criteria.
83) Portugal: Number of museums on national criteria with at least one special museum education program.
84) Portugal: on national criteria, the third criteria is that museum employ at least 1 specialised staff.
85) Portugal: data collected every 3 years.
86) Portgal: data collected every 3 years.
87) Portugal: 680 museums
88) Portugal: 430 museums
89) Portugal: The Number of Visits are from the museums on national criteria.
90) Portugal: The Paid Staff are from the museums on national criteria.
91) Portugal: Some Museums (on national criteria) have only free entrance and others have free and payed entrances.
92) Portugal: Number of museums on national criteria, with at least one special museum education programme
93) Portugal: Only considered the Visits On national criteria Museums.
94) On national criteria, the third criteria is that museum employ at least 1 specialized staff.