Country     Ireland
Year     2014 2005 2002
Definition Working group definition 1a       5)   
National criteria 1b   X X 6)  X 2) 
Number of museums according to type of collection total 2a   230 8)  258 3)  218 3) 
of which 2b Art, archaeology and history museums      
  2c Science and technology museums, ethnology museums      
  2d Other museums      
Ownership state-owned museums 3a Total     30
local-, regional-owned museums 3b Total     30
other public-owned museums 3c Total     19
private-owned museums 3d Total     74
  3e Of which
Management state-managed museums 4a Total 15 11 30
local-, regional-managed museums 4b Total 23 25 16
other public-managed museums 4c Total 10 7 25
private-managed museums 4d Total 48 49 59
  4e Of which
5 8 88
Ownership of permanent collection Public ≤ 50% 5a        
Public > 50% 5b        
Number of visits Total 6a   6.108.480    
Of which 6b free admissions
  6c free admissions
  6d foreigners
  6e foreigners
  6f temporary exhibitions
  6g temporary exhibitions
Staff Paid staff 7a Number
  1.405 7)  528 4) 
  7b Number
Of which
162 250  
  7c FTES a year
    528 4) 
  7d FTES a year
Of which
Volunteers 7e Number
  7f Number
Of which
  7g FTES a year
  7h FTES a year
Of which
Admissions Total number of museums with paid admissions with a price of tickets (in EUR) 8a < 2,5,-   47 47
  8b 2,5 - 5,-      
  8c > 5,-      
Number of museums 8d with free entrance      
  8e with museum card      
Temporary exhibitions Total 9a        
Of which 9b Own production      
  9c Joined productions      
Expenditure (of museums) Total (In EUR) 10a        
Of which 10b Ordinary expenditures
  10c Ordinary expenditures
Of which
  10d Extraordinary expenditures
  10e Extraordinary expenditures
Of which
for new Collections
Income (of museums) Total (in EUR) 11a        
Of which 11b Entry fees      
  11c Public subsidies      
Public expenditure (for museums) Total (in EUR) 12a        
Of which 12b Investments      
Number of museums making use of computers Total number of museums equipped with at least one computer 13a        
Of which 13b for administrative purpose      
  13c for visitor's information purposes (e.g. interactive gallery system)      
  13d having a database for electronic inventory      
  13e having an Internet access      
Information - Diffusion - Education Number of museums possessing a web-site 14 Total      
Number of museums possessing an own web-site 15a Total      
  15b Of wich
are updating themselves their web-site
Number of museums 16a connected to a museum portal
  16b connected to a museum portal
Of which
connected to more than one museum portal
  16c connected to (an)other portal(s)      
Number of museums with at least one special museum education programme 17a Total      
  17b Of which
for school children
  17c Of which
for ethnic minorities
  17d for senior citizens      
  17e for others      
Museums per 100.000 inhabitants
on working group definition
Museums per 100.000 inhabitants
on natioinal criteria
Visits per 100.000 inhabitants
including free entries
Visits per 100.000 inhabitants
excluding free entries
Average number of visits per museum
according to working group definition
Average number of visits per museum
according to national criteria
Staff per 100.000 inhabitants   24        
Expenditure per capita (in EUR)   25        
Public Expenditure per 100.000 inhabitants (in EUR)   26        
Number of museums opened 200 days and more a year   27   106    
Number of museums with more than 5.000 visits a year
including free entries
  28   56    
Number of museums necessary to reach 50 % of total visits (including free entries) 29a        
75 % of total visits (including free entries) 29b        
Number of museums employing at least 1 specialised staff 30        
Average price paid
(in EUR)
Number of museums with at least one publication   32        
Number of museums with at least one publication on an electronic data carrier   33        
Museum participation
Source: Eurobarometer 1)
  34     24,50 24,50
Source: Eurostat
  35   4.628.949 4.111.672 3.899.702
Density inhabitants/km²
Source: Eurostat
  36     61,20 57,70
Purchasing Power Parity in EUR
Source: Eurostat
  37   177,000 145,000 139,000

Blank spaces either imply that there is no data available or that the data is negligible or is equal to zero

nil or negligible
provisional or estimated statistical information
1) Eurostat surveys 2001 and 2003, if not otherwise indicated
2) The National Museum of Ireland is under the ægis of the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism and regularly advises the Minister concerning museum issues. The Director of the National Museum of Ireland has a comprehensive range of legal powers and functions under Statute law which are relevant to museum operation in Ireland. There is statutory provision for the designation of museums in the ownership and control of local authorities under the terms of the National Cultural Institutions Act 1997. Curators may also be designed to carry out certain functions of the Director of the National Museum under the terms of the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 1994. The representative body for the museum sector in Ireland id the Irish Museums Association. The Museums and Archives Committee of the Heritage Council is (the only body) charged with proposing policy, providing advice and providing grant aid and funding to the sector. The Council of National Cultural Institutions is a recent formed body (1997) which includes the Heritage Council, The national Museums, The National Gallery, The Arts Council, The Irish Museum of Modern Art and two others. The Local Authority Curators Group represents museum curators in this particular sector of the museum profession. The Designated Museums Liaison Committee meets regularly to provide dialogue and exchange of ideas and information between designated museums, the National Museum of Ireland and the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism.
3) Referring to criteria sub 1a)
4) Number of full-staff is 1.724 including full-time, part-time, community employment schemes and voluntary workers.
5) The definition currently being applied by the museum sector is the definition devised by the sector for the purposes of developing a national museum policy framework. This framework was developed by the Heritage Council in consultation with the sector. The definition is follows: “Museums are not for profit institutions that collect, safeguard, hold in trust, research, develop and interpret collections of original objects and original objects on loan, for the public benefit. They function publicly as places where people learn from and find inspiration and enjoyment through the display and research of original objects.
6) The National Museum of Ireland is under the ægis of the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism and regularly advises the Minister concerning national museum issues. The Director of the National Museum of Ireland has a comprehensive range of legal powers and functions under Statute law which are relevant to the national museum’s operation in Ireland. There is statutory provision for the designation of museums in the ownership and control of local authorities under the terms of the National Cultural Institutions Act 1997. Curators may also be designed to carry out certain functions of the Director of the National Museum under the terms of the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 1994. The representative body for the museum sector in Ireland is the Irish Museums Association. The Heritage Council is (the only body) charged with proposing policy advice, providing advice and providing small-scale grant aid and funding to the sector. It operates an accreditation programme for Irish museums under its Museums Standards Programme: The Council of National Cultural Institutions was established in 1997 and includes the Heritage Council, The National Museum, The National Gallery, The Arts Council, The Irish Museum of Modern Art and the Crawford Arts Gallery (Cork) and the Chester Beatty Library, the National Theatre, National Concert Hall and National Library. The Local Authority Curators Group represents museum curators in this particular sector of the museum profession.
7) Number of full-staff is 1.724 including full-time, part-time, community employment schemes and voluntary workers
8) 118 museums responded to and participated in the survey.