What is the ENUMERATE Data Platform?
The ENUMERATE Data Platform is the online platform for the storage, publication and dissemination of data generated by the ENUMERATE project.
The results of each ENUMERATE Survey are published in detail on the ENUMERATE Data Platform in the form of reports, public data sets, questionnaires, benchmark and a review of tools. The public datasets have been anonymised and can be downloaded and used to a Creative Commons CC0 license.
Some datasets will only be accessible to researchers, if you wish to get access, please get in contact with ENUMERATE by Collaborate (in the menu of the data platform).
The ENUMERATE Consortium would love it if the results of this project are re-used, re-analysed and re-interpreted as much as possible. If you're interested in open source tools for the assessment and reporting of statistical data, you can find an evaluation of the tools ENUMERATE has tested as part of the project by Review of tools (in the menu of the data platform).
The ENUMERATE Consortium now invites you to discover the repository of all project's data on the ENUMERATE Data Platform!